I have a background in Science and Mathematics, I majored in Physics in college, but have always had a great interest in software engineering.

During college, financial constraints led me to working in the plumbing and HVAC industry, where I applied problem solving and communication skills with homeowners on a daily basis. I enjoyed working closely with a team to solve problems, but the desire to work in a flourishing and more mentally stimulating field is what led me to Prime Digital Academy.

    Recently Built Full Stack Applications

    End-In-Mind Administrator Web Application

    Our team of 5 developers created a full-stack web application that provides a common spot where users can find a calendar displaying events, and admins receive a place to upload/download documents and photos, as well as a dashboard displaying regional data. This application is currently being used by the End-In-Mind Organization. Tech used: Javascript, React, Redux, Sagas, User Authentication, Material UI, Calendar.JS

    Disc Daddy

    A full-stack web application aimed to be a virtual assistant to aid the user in score keeping, data analysis, database record, and real-time map while playing a game of Disc Golf. Tech used: Javascript, React, Redux, Sagas, User Authentication, Material UI, Chart JS, Google Maps API, jQuery

    Garden Saga

    Full Stack Application used for storing garden data, such as plants and associated information.

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